The parchments preserved at the Castel Nuovo of Naples, a fascinating and complex history

The fonds of parchments in question is nowadays at the Castel Nuovo, a fortress which is an authentic symbol of the royal dynasties of the Kingdom of Naples. More precisely, the charters are preserved by the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (BSNSP) that has its premises in the same fortress. I like to think of this fonds as of a precious shrine because it contains a rich documentation coming from copious private archives as well as from religious institutions in South Italy which ended up for diverse reasons in the library of the Society ( At last, this documentation now comes to light thanks to its digital archive on Monasterium.Net ( Open the shrine. The South Italian charters preserved at the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria are now accessible for all on weiterlesen