Schlagwort-Archive: project

Contemporary Art and Archives

by Maida Gruden, an art historian, curator at Students’ City Cultural Centre, Belgrade, coordinator of the project ‘They: Live’ – student lives revealed through context-based art practices

Student City, Belgrade, 1970’s, owner: Milan Petković

The international project ‘They: Live’ – student lives revealed through context-based art practices explores the student life on campuses from the end of World War 2 to present day in Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia), Zagreb and Rijeka (Croatia), Madrid (Spain) and Podgorica (Montenegro). During residential stays in student campuses, artists, together with curators, will develop art projects directly with students, using archive photo and audio materials on student life from 1945 to present day, collected from former and current residents of student campuses and stored on the collaborative digital platform Topotheque. Contemporary Art and Archives weiterlesen


by Tatjana Hölzl, ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research

Would you like to be the co-creator of a European Archives online exhibition? Would you like to be part of an international summer camp in Hungary?

Photo by Max Fischer in Pexels

If you are between 15 and 18 years old and you are a high school student, you can participate in our multimedia contest “Young Digital Treasures” which is open now!Contest: 
Young Digital Treasures.Application dates:  1st of October 2021 to 14th of January 2022. YOUNG DIGITAL TREASURES weiterlesen

The Virtual Genealogical Archive: making available on-line the parish and civil registers from Bucharest and Brașov county archives (Romania)

by Rafael Dorian Chelaru, Faculty of Archival Sciences,” Al. I. Cuza” Academy, Bucharest (RO)

Digitization work on the Bucharest © Collection Laurentiu Dologna

Acknowledgments. The results of the current research have been made possible through the project “The Virtual Genealogical Archive – a pilot project destined to the National Archives of Romania and third party users”, co-financed through the research programme ”Partnerships – Collaborative Projects for Applied Research – PCCA 2013″. The Virtual Genealogical Archive: making available on-line the parish and civil registers from Bucharest and Brașov county archives (Romania) weiterlesen

The Romanian Historical Archives available for online research

by Codruța Mihailovici, National Archives of Romania

Since 2006, concerns in the field of digitization of the cultural heritage have led to concrete measures at the European level. At the national one, each country has become responsible for its own process of digitization and libraries, museums, archives, heritage organizations, universities and research institutions were involved. Even if, Romania doesn’t have a functional national cultural platform online yet[1], some efforts of individual institutions in this direction have begun to yield good results. These efforts which will create, in the end, a digital library of cultural resources, a unique point of access for the Romanian cultural heritage, open to public research and free of charge: The Romanian Historical Archives available for online research weiterlesen

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public

co:op community as opportunity: the creative archives´ and users´ network
by Mag.a Kerstin Muff

Breaking new ground together

co:op is the youngest child of the ICARUS family: Together, 17 institutions from 12 European countries successfully launched this project to strengthen and promote the co-operation between archives and other institutions preserving our common cultural heritage and to encourage involving the general public. The kick-off meeting in Prague between 27 and 29 April 2015 marked the start of the project activities.

Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ)
Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). © ICARUS

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public weiterlesen