Schlagwort-Archive: National Archives of Finland

Santa’s Archive Collects People’s Hopes and Dreams

by Vuokko Joki, Director of the National Archives of Finland in Oulu and
Tomi Ahoranta, Development Manager at the National Archives of Finland

Letters from All Around the World

”Dear Santa,

I’m going to Tenerife at Christmas and I wish you could come to. It would be really great. Santa could I ask you a favor could you bring me a bring home baby monkey for Christmas please.

P.S. I love you very, very, very much.” Santa’s Archive Collects People’s Hopes and Dreams weiterlesen

Report on File Formats for Hand-written Text Recognition (HTR) Material

by Sami Nousiainen, M.Sc.(Tech.)

The National Archives of Finland has carried out format study within our co:op project with the primary purpose of reviewing and analyzing the available file formats for the storage of automatically recognized text or manually input text (transcription). The automatic recognition can be either OCR-based (i.e. recognition of printed text) or HTR-based (i.e. recognition of hand-written text). Report on File Formats for Hand-written Text Recognition (HTR) Material weiterlesen