Schlagwort-Archive: MOMathon

MOM-Tool-Summer-School, 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE)

Within the EU-funded project „co:op – community as opportunity“ the Cologne Center for eHumanities will organize a MOM-Tool-Summer-School from 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE).

At this event you will be able to learn about the applicabilities of the Monasterium portal – from basic introductions to state-of-the-art newly implemented features. In just three days you´ll get to learn all you need and wish to know about the Monasterium portal.

The programme includes amongst other things

  • Introduction to
  • Edit in EditMOM 3
  • Local MOMathon

Take a look at the complete programme!

 Sounds like plenty of opportunities to get involved?

Then please contact our colleague Stephan Makowski to register:

Invitation to the 3rd MOMathon

PosterTitelENThe #MOMathon16 will take place on 15 November 2016! 

It is an online event concerned with the Monasterium portal – Europe’s virtual charters archive. The MOMathon gives everyone interested in refining the accessibility of digital available historic documents the opportunity to collectively enhance the world´s largest database of medieval and early modern charters. Invitation to the 3rd MOMathon weiterlesen

MOMathon: Citizen Science at

by Stephan Makowski

PosterTitelENOn June 14th. 2016 the second official MOMathon was held by the The goal of the event was to fulfill small tasks with volunteers to enrich the database with metadata. In contrast to the first event, which was held as an offline event at the ICAR-US Meeting in St. Pölten (AUT), the 2nd. MOMathon was an online-event. So anyone was able to participate after a short registration on the MOMathon-Webpage. MOMathon: Citizen Science at weiterlesen