Schlagwort-Archive: International Council on Archives

Solidarity with Colleagues in Venice

by Dr Charles J. Farrugia, Malta’s National Archivist

The International Council on Archives, through its European Branch, wishes to express its deepest sympathy and solidarity with our archival friends and colleagues who have suffered from the floods in Venice in recent days. The full extent of the damage will only be fully understood once the flood water recedes, but colleagues throughout Europe will wish to help in whichever practical ways they can. For the present, we wanted to send this message of support to let our colleagues in Venice know that they are not forgotten and that archivists throughout Europe are thinking about them at this difficult time.

A collection account has been set up for contributions. Those who wish to help can send donations made out to “SIAE per la raccolta fondi a favore dei titolari delle librerie e delle biblioteche di Venezia”, using the IBAN: IT 36 V 02008 05085 000105794751. For bank transfers from abroad this is the bic swift code required: UNCRITM1B33.


The care and management of Sport archives

by Deborah Jenkins,  Chair of the European Region, International Council on Archives

Although sport is one of the great binding human preoccupations around the world, the care and management of Sport archives has not been given a prominent place in archival debate. From country to country, from sport to sport, different provision has been made for the documentation generated by sporting associations and clubs. When London was chosen for the Olympic games of 2012, London Metropolitan Archives undertook research on what had happened to the papers of the Mexico, Barcelona, Sydney and many other games – the findings of the research was that a patchwork of different approaches currently existed. The care and management of Sport archives weiterlesen