Under the motto “The Age of Technology: Documents, Archives and Society” a wide range of speakers from the Iberian Peninsula shared their experiences and expertises with the audience. The spectrum of speakers was expanded by further presentations from colleagues of our ICARUS network. The conference offered a truly multi-facetted insight into current projects and developments of the European archival landscape in the digital age. ICARUS-Meeting #20 | The Age of Digital Technology: Documents, Archives and Society weiterlesen
Schlagwort-Archive: co:op
The 4th #MOMathon17 by monasterium.net will take place on 30 November 2017!
It is an online event concerned with the Monasterium portal monasterium.net – Europe’s virtual charters archive and the world’s largest database of medieval and early modern charters. INVITATION TO THE 4th #MOMATHON17 weiterlesen
ICARUS-Meeting #17 | Transparency – Accessibility – Dialogue. How a creative archival landscape can effect society
The Regional State Archives in Visby is a department of the Swedish National Archive since 2010 and hosted our ICARUS-Meeting #17 tackling major topics of the co:op project of how to sustainably and resourcefully bridge archives and the general public.
The Archive has one of the largest photographic collections in Sweden and is located in the medieval Hanseatic Town of Visby on Gotland – the one and only popular Swedish island rich in medieval churches (92!), historical and natural sites. ICARUS-Meeting #17 | Transparency – Accessibility – Dialogue. How a creative archival landscape can effect society weiterlesen
ICARUS-Meeting #19 | 5th co:op partner meeting
The participants of the meeting were not only able to learn more about the best of Estonian digital heritage projects as well as the National Archives‘ best practices but also about cooperation projects across national borders. Furthermore, the event informed on Estonian e-Resedency, a transnational digital identity.
The ICARUS Didactics Group invited to a workshop on the Topotheques by the example of the Museum of Agricultural Sciences (MUSA) in Italy (click here for more information).
The meeting took place in the cozy university town Tartu – town of students, intellectuals and creatives. ICARUS-Meeting #19 | 5th co:op partner meeting weiterlesen
Report of the MOM-Tool-Summer-School, 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE)

Date: 12-14 June 2017
Participants: 11 Participants from Europe
Place: CCeH, University of Cologne
Part pf the co:op-project Report of the MOM-Tool-Summer-School, 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE) weiterlesen
MOM-Tool-Summer-School, 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE)
Within the EU-funded project „co:op – community as opportunity“ the Cologne Center for eHumanities will organize a MOM-Tool-Summer-School from 12-14 June 2017 in Cologne (DE).
At this event you will be able to learn about the applicabilities of the Monasterium portal – from basic introductions to state-of-the-art newly implemented features. In just three days you´ll get to learn all you need and wish to know about the Monasterium portal.
The programme includes amongst other things
- Introduction to monasterium.net
- Edit in EditMOM 3
- Local MOMathon
Take a look at the complete programme!
Sounds like plenty of opportunities to get involved?
Then please contact our colleague Stephan Makowski to register: stephan.makowski@uni-koeln.de.
Making Sigillographic Material Accessible to Researchers – Digitising, Catalogues, Editions of seals
The international workshop “Making Sigillographic Material Accessible to Researchers – Digitising, Catalogues, Editions of Seals” took place on the 13 October 2016 in the Provincial Archives in Opava – branch Olomouc. The workshop was organized by the Provincial Archives in Opava and the National Archives in Prague in cooperation with International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS) within the EU-funded project “co:op – community as opportunity”. Making Sigillographic Material Accessible to Researchers – Digitising, Catalogues, Editions of seals weiterlesen
From Vitulano to Europe: pictures of an area and its families on the Topotheque portal
by Giovanni Schiavone, University of Naples Federico II
Vitulano’s community is involved in collecting pictures which evoke memories and histories in a digital environment: the creation of an Italian topotheque!
From Vitulano to Europe: pictures of an area and its families on the Topotheque portal

© Antonio Cappuccio
On 25th June 2016 an open day entitled “From Vitulano to Europe: pictures of an area and families on Topotheque portal” took place in Vitulano, a small town located in a valley surmounted by the Apennine peaks of the Taburno – Camposauro massif near Benevento, in the south of Italy. The event has been organized by a team of lecturers and researchers of the University of Naples Federico II within the project activities of co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives and users network (EU, Creative Europe 2014-2020), coordinated by Antonella Ambrosio for the Department of Humanities in cooperation with the association Fagus: Territori in Crescita. The aim of the summit was to enhance the landscape heritage and the historical memory of the community in the Vitulanese valley through its photographic heritage by using the international portal Topotheque.eu (for more information about this Topotheque see http://vitulano.fagus.topoteka.net/) From Vitulano to Europe: pictures of an area and its families on the Topotheque portal weiterlesen
Andreas Hedwig: Welcome words

Has a PhD in History, completed his archival traineeship at the State Archives Bremen. Was Archivist at the Hessian Main State Archives in Wiesbaden, since 2001 Director of the Hessian State Archives Marburg, since 2016 also Director of the Hessian Regional Archives. Head of the Hessian Historical Commission and member of numerous commissions and societies, lecturer at the Philipps-University Marburg and the Archives School Marburg.
Francesco Roberg: Short introduction co:op and READ

Studied History, Auxiliary sciences of History (with an emphasis on Diplomatics and Edition Philology), Classical Philology and Medieval Latin from 1994-2000. Was assistant at the Institute for Medieval History at the Philipps-University Marburg. Received his PhD on forgery of charters in 2005. Since May 2010 Archivrat at the Hessian State Archives Marburg, since 2014 leading consultant for indexing management and research funding at the Hessian Regional Archives. Numerous publications, especially concerning Diplomatics and Edition Philology.
Francesco Roberg: Short introduction co:op and READ weiterlesen
Günter Mühlberger: Short introduction co:op and READ

Works as Senior Project Manager of the Digitisation and Digital Preservation group at the Department for German Language and Literature at the University of Innsbruck. He received his Ph.D. for a dissertation on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). From 1991 to 2002 he worked as a research assistant for German Language and Literature and switched than to the university library as head of department for Digitisation and Digital Preservation. In 2012 he returned to the Department for German Language and Literature and aims now to build up services and tools for the Digital Humanities. Günter Mühlberger was responsible for several national and international projects, e.g. LAURIN (digitization of newspaper clippings, 1998-2000), METADATA ENGINE (structural metadata extraction and OCR for gothic letters, 2000-2003), reUSE (2003-2006, digital preservation), IMPACT (sub-project leader for text Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents
recognition, 2008-2012), Digitisation on Demand / eBooks on Demand (DoD, EOD, 2006-2012), tranScriptorium (work package leader for data management for handwritten text recognition) and EU Newspaper (member of the executive board, OCR processing and enrichment of newspapers). From 2016 onwards he will coordinate the Horizon 2020 Project READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) which will focus on Handwritten Text Recognition and make the technology available via the Transkribus Platform.
Günter Mühlberger: Short introduction co:op and READ weiterlesen
Roger Labahn: Handwritten Text Recognition. Key concepts

Roger Labahn received his doctoral degree in 1987 and finished his habilitation in 1994, both in Discrete Mathematics / Combinatorics. Since then he was Senior Researcher with academic teaching duties in various fields of basic, applied and discrete Mathematics. His major interest and working area changed to Machine Learning and Neural Networks with strong focus on application oriented research and algorithm design and software development. He led the various research projects of the CITlab groups with several collaborators resp. PhD students for developing algorithms and technologies for handwritten text recognition based on state-of-the-art concepts of Computational Intelligence.
Roger Labahn: Handwritten Text Recognition. Key concepts weiterlesen
Enrique Vidal: Keyword Searching as a Trade-off between Recall and Precision. A new way to search large collections of digitised documents
Basilis Gatos: Hard Tasks in the Background. Layout analysis

Basilis Gatos worked as Director of the Research Division in the field of digital preservation of old newspapers at Lambrakis Press Archives and as Managing Director of R&D Division in the field of document management and recognition at BSI S.A. in Greece. He is currently working as a Researcher at the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos” in Athens, Greece. His main research interests are in Image Processing and Document Image Analysis, OCR and Pattern Recognition. He has more than 150 publications in journals and international conference proceedings and has participated in several research programs funded by the European community. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) and program committee member of several international Conferences and Workshops. He is co-organiser of the International Conference of Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR) in 2014 and of the International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems (DAS 2016) that will be held next year in Santorini, Greece.
Basilis Gatos: Hard Tasks in the Background. Layout analysis weiterlesen
Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents

Stefan Fiel is born in Feldkirch, Austria, and studied at the Technical University of Vienna where he received his MSc. degree in Visual Computing in 2010. He gained experience as a project collaborator in projects at the Computer Vision Lab. He was involved in the “DIR – Document Information Retrieval” project where his task is writer identification and writer retrieval. Currently he is writing his PhD thesis with the topic “Novel Methods for Writer Identification and Retrieval”. His research interests are Cultural Heritage Applications and Document Analysis Applications.
Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents weiterlesen