Schlagwort-Archive: biography

Francesco Avolio

Francesco Avolio studies historical sciences at the University of Naples “Federico II”. The curriculum that he chose has a focus on the medieval and early modern Europe. His personal interests include various aspects of the late-medieval European and Mediterranean sphere of studies: from the feudal society’s institutions and the medieval cultural traditions to the civilian and military architecture and the naval innovations of that age. During his first year in the master course, he met professor Antonella Ambrosio, which held a course in Paleography and Diplomatics. Thanks to her, Francesco approached simultaneously the world of the medieval documentations and archives and the subject of the Digital Humanities.

Maida Gruden

Maida Gruden

Maida Gruden works as the Head of Visual Arts Department at the Students’City Cultural Center (SCCC) in Belgrade implementing projects aiming to engage student community in art projects that can serve as a powerful tool for understanding society.

She graduated Art History at the Faculty of Pholosophy in Belgrade and holds the certificate from School for History and Theory of Images, Center for Contemporary Art, Belgrade. Maida Gruden weiterlesen

Deborah Jenkins

Deborah Jenkins

Deborah Jenkins has been a member of the International Council on Archives for many years and serves on its Executive Board. She previously chaired the ICA section for Local, Municipal and Territorial Archives for 8 years and is now President of EURBICA, the European Regional Council of ICA which ranges over more than forty countries – from Iceland to Israel. Dr Jenkins directed London Metropolitan Archives and a number of other heritage services for the City of London up to 2012.

David Sutton

Dr David Sutton has been Director of Research Projects in Reading University Library since 1982. He is editor of the Location Register of English Literary Manuscripts and Letters and UK editor of the WATCH copyright project (Writers Artists & Their Copyright Holders).
He has been awarded the Benson Medal of the Royal Society of Literature for distinguished services to literature; the Archivist of the Year award (Scone Foundation, New York, 2006); and Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Society of Literature (FRSL, 2012). He has been Chair of ICA’s Section for Archives of Literature and Art since 2010.

David Sutton weiterlesen

Mirna Willer

Mirna Willer © Mirna Willer

Mirna Willer is Professor at the University of Zadar, Department of Information Sciences, Croatia.

She teaches courses in theory and practice of information organisation at the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. Among other international body memberships, she has been a member and chair of the IFLA Permanent UNIMARC Committee, member of the Working Group on FRANAR, chair and member of the ISBD Linked Data Study Group, and chair and member of the ISBD Review Group. Mirna Willer weiterlesen

Jesper Zedlitz

Dr. Jesper Zedlitz © Andreas Geick

Dr. Jesper Zedlitz is a Senior Software Engineer and in his free time a board member of the Computer Genealogy Association, where he is responsible for all topics related to computer science.

He studied computer science in Kiel until 2005. This was followed by a number of positions, both non-university and at the university, among others at a large German Internet provider and the “ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics”. Since completing his doctorate in
2013 until the beginning of 2018, he has been a research associate at the Communication Systems Group at the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Kiel. His main research topics were conceptual modeling, Digital Humanities and Citizen Science. He has participated in numerous interdisciplinary projects with historians, linguists and musicologists. Since the beginning of 2018 he is working as Senior Software Engineer for a Hamburg based software company. Jesper Zedlitz weiterlesen

Silvestre Lacerda

© Silvestre Lacerda

Archivist, Specialization Course in Documentary Sciences, by the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra.

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Intergovernmental Committee of the ADAI Program Iberarchives, to support the development of Ibero-American archives and a member of the Latin American Archives Association (ALA) regional branch of the International Archives Council. Silvestre Lacerda weiterlesen

Rafael Dorian Chelaru

© Rafael Dorian Chelaru

Rafael Dorian Chelaru is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Archival Sciences at the ”Al. I. Cuza” Academy, Bucharest (RO) since 2006.

He worked previously in the National Archives of Romania (1998-2006) and became specialized in the history of Catholicism in Early Modern Europe, a domain in which he obtained his Ph.D in 2009.

From July 2014 until September 2017 he led the research project Virtual Genealogical Archive.

Walter Daser

© Walter Daser

Walter Daser, born 6.3.1944 in Kematen in Tirol

Employed for 38 years by a transnational IT-company, in different functions. Starting as a local customer engineer and field manager, becoming later on a program manager in the European HQs, national manager of Service Business and manager of HW Services in the HQs for Central and Eastern Europe.

After retirement, I completed studies for political sciences at the University of Innsbruck and became a volunteer employee with the Red Cross Tirol till 2016, in different functions in the area of migration.

Since nearly 30 years I am a nonprofessional genealogy researcher, working on a number of genealogy projects, including my own family and my home-village. I have some experience in computer-genealogy, working finally with a true internet solution.

Helga Ebner

© Dr. phil. Helga Ebner

Helga Ebner, Dr. phil., geb. 1944 in Annaberg, NÖ.

Volksschule in Zell/Pram, OÖ, Gymnasium in Schärding.

Studium der Germanistik und Anglistik an der Universität Wien, Dissertation über ein mundartkundliches Thema.

Kurze Tätigkeit in der Dudenredaktion in Mannheim.

Neben Familienarbeit Rezensionstätigkeit, Aufsätze zur Kinder- und Jugendliteratur, Mitautorin an der „Literatur in Linz“, einer Linzer Literaturgeschichte, Aufsätze und Vorträge zu literarischen Themen.

Verfasserin einer Deutschgrammatik und eines Übungsbuchs zur Grammatik („Durchstarten Deutsch“)

Ab 1989 bis zur Pensionierung an der Pädagogischen Akademie der Diözese Linz in der Ausbildung von Deutschlehrern an Hauptschulen tätig.

Joachim Kemper

© Dr. Joachim Kemper

Dr. Joachim Kemper ist Archivar und Historiker. Nach Stationen bei den staatlichen Archiven Bayerns und als Leiter der Abteilung Kulturelles Erbe Speyer ist er seit dem Jahr 2015 Leiter der Abteilung Sammlungen am Institut für Stadtgeschichte in Frankfurt am Main. Sein besonderes Interesse liegt im Bereich der Sozialen Medien und Offenen Archive –

Peer Boselie

Peer Boselie ©,Katzenbauer

Born in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) in 1958, Peer Boselie studied as an archivist (Den Haag 1979). Also studied theology and church-history (Heerlen/Nijmegen 1996). He worked as an archivist in Eindhoven, Maastricht and Sittard. Since 1999 he is director of the Sittard-Geleen and regional archives, from 2010 to 2015 also director of the Euregional Historic Centre (now Archief De Domijnen).  Peer Boselie weiterlesen

Dagmar Weidinger

Dagmar Weidinger. © Markus Ladstaetter

Dagmar Weidinger is a trained art historian. She has studied at the Universities of Vienna, London (UK) and Tours (F). After her PhD she has worked as a curator, lecturer and journalist, writing for various national and international newspapers and magazines. She joined ICARUS in 2014 taking over the press and public relations activities as well as working on the “insights”-magazine together with Kerstin Muff.