Schlagwort-Archive: archives

Contemporary Art and Archives

by Maida Gruden, an art historian, curator at Students’ City Cultural Centre, Belgrade, coordinator of the project ‘They: Live’ – student lives revealed through context-based art practices

Student City, Belgrade, 1970’s, owner: Milan Petković

The international project ‘They: Live’ – student lives revealed through context-based art practices explores the student life on campuses from the end of World War 2 to present day in Belgrade and Novi Sad (Serbia), Zagreb and Rijeka (Croatia), Madrid (Spain) and Podgorica (Montenegro). During residential stays in student campuses, artists, together with curators, will develop art projects directly with students, using archive photo and audio materials on student life from 1945 to present day, collected from former and current residents of student campuses and stored on the collaborative digital platform Topotheque. Contemporary Art and Archives weiterlesen

Greening the archive

by Deborah Jenkins, Chair of the European Region, International Council on Archives

The new conservation standard EN 16893:2018

Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Specifications for location, construction and modification of buildings or rooms intended for the storage or use of heritage collections Greening the archive weiterlesen