Schlagwort-Archive: archive

Town Olomouc Archive – Catalogue of Seals

by Karel Müller, Jan Štěpán and Hana Seichterová

PhDr. Vladimír Spáčil made available the unique collection of charters of fond Town Olomouc Archive, deposited in the State District Archive in Olomouc, in the form of abstract catalog. PhDr. Vladimír Spáčil intended to make the edition of seals, but the idea has just recently come to realization. The catalog of seals has gradually been created thanks to initiative of PhDr. Karl Müller, the director of the Regional Archives in Opava. A total of 2,528 seals will be divided into thematic groups, e.g. Rulers and Ruling Princes, Nobility, Towns, etc. The dividing of the seals will make the orientation in sigillographic material easier. There were demonstrated examples of individual groups and example of the abstract, which accompanies every seal, at the workshop. The researcher gains the basic information about the seal, the frequency and the picture of the seal, which is indispensable. Photographs will be available on the website of archive.

Open the shrine. The South Italian charters preserved at the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria are now accessible for all on

by Antonella Ambrosio

The parchments preserved at the Castel Nuovo of Naples, a fascinating and complex history

The Library of BSNSP in Castelnuovo (Naples). ©Angelo Odore
The Library of BSNSP in Castelnuovo (Naples). ©Angelo Odore

The fonds of parchments in question is nowadays at the Castel Nuovo, a fortress which is an authentic symbol of the royal dynasties of the Kingdom of Naples. More precisely, the charters are preserved by the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria (BSNSP) that has its premises in the same fortress. I like to think of this fonds as of a precious shrine because it contains a rich documentation coming from copious private archives as well as from religious institutions in South Italy which ended up for diverse reasons in the library of the Society ( At last, this documentation now comes to light thanks to its digital archive on Monasterium.Net ( Open the shrine. The South Italian charters preserved at the Biblioteca della Società Napoletana di Storia Patria are now accessible for all on weiterlesen

Invitation to the 3rd MOMathon

PosterTitelENThe #MOMathon16 will take place on 15 November 2016! 

It is an online event concerned with the Monasterium portal – Europe’s virtual charters archive. The MOMathon gives everyone interested in refining the accessibility of digital available historic documents the opportunity to collectively enhance the world´s largest database of medieval and early modern charters. Invitation to the 3rd MOMathon weiterlesen