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Annegret Wenz-Haubfleisch: Cadastral Documents

Annegret Wenz-Haubfleisch (Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, DE)

Studied secondary school teaching studies in History, English Studies and Pedagogy at the Philipps University Marburg and the Portsmouth Polytechnic. Archival traineeship at the City Archives of Detmold and the Archives School in Marburg. Since 2006 deputy director of the Hessian State Archives and since 2014 also consultant at the Hessian Regional Archives. Responsible for personnel and planning as well as various collections. Publications in the field of cadastral maps in Hessian-Kassel.

Annegret Wenz-Haubfleisch: Cadastral Documents weiterlesen

Milena Dobreva: How to Index Biographical Data from Archival Documents Using the Methods of the Citizen Science

Milena Dobreva (University of Malta, MT)

Since graduating M.Sc. (Hons) in Informatics in 1991, Milena Dobreva worked in the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on digitisation of cultural heritage where she earned her PhD degree in Informatics (1999) and served as the founding head of the first Digitisation Centre in Bulgaria (2004). In 2007 she was a guest researcher at the University of Glasgow contributing to the DELOS network of excellence in digital libraries. In 2008-2011 she worked at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow and served as the principal investigator for projects funded by the European Commission, JISC and Scottish Funding Council. Since 2012 she is an Associate Professor in the University of Malta where under her guidance the programmes in library, information, and archival science had been updated and extended with a Master’s course in Documentary Heritage and Melitensia. In 2014-15 Milena contributed to the EC-funded project Civic Epistemologies, which developed a roadmap for citizen science in digital cultural heritage. Milena regularly evaluates for the European Commission programmes in the area of e-Infrastructures and digital humanities.

Milena Dobreva: How to Index Biographical Data from Archival Documents Using the Methods of the Citizen Science weiterlesen

Jesper Zedlitz: Innovative Technologies for Making Crowdsourcing most Effective in Online Indexing

Jesper Zedlitz (German Society for Computer Genealogy, DE)

Studied Computer Science at the University of Kiel and received PhD in 2013. Vice President of the biggest German genealogy association, the Society for Computer Scientists with more than 3600 members. Research focus on semantic web technologies, modelling of historic facts, data normalization, development of methods to effectively move from printed sources to high quality Linked Data through for example crowd sourcing.

Jesper Zedlitz: Innovative Technologies for Making Crowdsourcing most Effective in Online Indexing weiterlesen

Daniel Shakespear: Interactive Genealogy Explorer. Visualization of migration of ancestors and relatives

Daniel Shakespear (Freelance programmer, DE)

Automotive engineer with over 25 years’ experience in the industry. Programming in numerous languages and application development have been part of my work throughout my career, and a hobby since my school days. Employed at BMW in Munich since 2012 in the area of vehicle concept development.


Daniel Shakespear: Interactive Genealogy Explorer. Visualization of migration of ancestors and relatives weiterlesen

Andreas Kuczera: Encoding and Presenting Historical Biographical Data with Graph Data Bases

Andreas Kuczera (Acadamy of Science and Literature Mainz, DE)

Historian, physicist and digital humanist. 2001-2006 research assistant in the DFG-project “Regesta Imperii Online”. 2007 – 2012 leading position in the project management of the Mainz Academy and the “Digital Academy”. Technical expert of the Mainz Academy’s IT-panel. Research assistant in the project “Regesta of Frederic III” in Gießen, interface between Regesta Imperii and “Digital Academy”. Current research topics: Cistercians in Hesse, application of graph databases and network analysis tools for historians, digital usage of historical source databases, search strategies for historical source databases.

Andreas Kuczera: Encoding and Presenting Historical Biographical Data with Graph Data Bases weiterlesen

Peer Boselie: Historical Material at the Use of very Modern Questions. The Aezel Project

Peer Boselie (De Domijnen, NL)

Born in Eindhoven (the Netherlands) in 1958, Peer Boselie studied at the Rijksarchiefschool (Den Haag 1979) and theology and church-history (Heerlen/Nijmegen 1996). He worked as an archivist in Eindhoven, Maastricht and Sittard. Since 1999 he is director of the Sittard-Geleen and regional archives, from 2010 to 2015 also director of the Euregional Historic Centre (now Archief De Domijnen).

Peer Boselie: Historical Material at the Use of very Modern Questions. The Aezel Project weiterlesen

Project partners

Project partners

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Serbian Medieval Documents in the State Archives of Venice on Monasterium

by Žarko Vujošević

King Stefan Uroš II Milutin confirms to the monastery of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Ratac the grant of six villages donated by his mother, Queen Jelena. Serbian Medieval Documents in the State Archives of Venice 1306-03-15_cca_Milutin, in:, URL, accessed at 2016-02-15+01:00.


From the 13th to the 15th century the Serbian Nemanjid dynasty and its successor states (the Serbian Despotate and the Balšić and Crnojević regional lordships) maintained a strong presence on the southeastern Adriatic seaboard, establishing close political and economic contacts with the leading maritime power of the period – the Republic of Venice. As a result, the vast medieval documentary heritage preserved in the State Archives of Venice also includes 25 documents issued by Serbian authors from the year 1208 to 1460, which are presented in this collection through archival and diplomatic descriptions as well as images acquired from the owning institution. Serbian Medieval Documents in the State Archives of Venice on Monasterium weiterlesen

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public

co:op community as opportunity: the creative archives´ and users´ network
by Mag.a Kerstin Muff

Breaking new ground together

co:op is the youngest child of the ICARUS family: Together, 17 institutions from 12 European countries successfully launched this project to strengthen and promote the co-operation between archives and other institutions preserving our common cultural heritage and to encourage involving the general public. The kick-off meeting in Prague between 27 and 29 April 2015 marked the start of the project activities.

Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ)
Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). © ICARUS

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public weiterlesen

Kerstin Muff


Kerstin Muff-Luiza_Puiu
Kerstin Muff © Luiza Puiu

Kerstin Muff was born in the Dominican Republic in 1983 and studied Theatre, Film and Media at the University of Leipzig and Vienna. Already born a globetrotter, her professional and private motto is: The more diverse the better! She joined the ICARUS team in 2012 and has worked for several EU-funded projects: ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation, APEx- Archives Portal Europe network of excellence and is now working as communications and project manager within co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives’ and users’ network. She furthermore oversees the publication of the ICARUS magazine “insights” as editor-in-chief.

Žarko Vujošević

Žarko Vujošević © ICARUS

Žarko Vujošević was born in Belgrade (Serbia/Yugoslavia) on May 6th 1976.

He studied History at the Philosophical Faculty of the Belgrade University and Theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade. He acquired the studies graduation in 2002 (diploma) and the Magister of History in 2008.

Since 2003 he works as research assistant at the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, since 2013 he is member of two projects of the Institute for Balkan Studies as external associate.
He is the project coordinator of the international project „Community as Opportunity. The creative archives’ and users’ network” (CO:OP), supported by the EU programme Creative Europe (duration 2014–18) and also member of Managing Boards of International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS, Vienna) and Centre for Advanced Medieval Studies (CAMS, Belgrade).
Since 2013 he also works as teaching assistant at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Belgrade, Chair in history in the early middle ages and auxiliary historical sciences.

His main fields of interest are auxiliary historical sciences, especially diplomatics, religious and cultural heritage of the medieval Balkans, project management and international cooperation.




Der Forschungsgegenstand dieses Weblogs ist das EU-Projekt co:op. co:op ist ein modernes und innovatives Projekt: Es baut auf den Erfahrungen seiner Mitglieder auf und wagt den Schritt über die zeitgemäße Zurverfügungstellung von Archivgut und die Dokumentation unserer gemeinsamen kulturellen und historischen Identität hinaus. Begründet durch das Internet und die damit einhergehende ständige Verfügbarkeit und Abrufbarkeit von Information ist es nicht nur wichtig, einen Zugang zu Wissen mit Hilfe der immer selbstverständlicher werdenden digitalen Hilfsmittel zu ermöglichen, sondern auch ein Augenmerk auf das sich neu eröffnende Potenzial zu richten: Eine differenzierte Produktion sowie eine umfassende Ergänzung von Wissen. So werden im Laufe des Projekts viele Aktivitäten umgesetzt, die diesen Ansprüchen gerecht werden. Ein großes Anliegen in diesem Zusammenhang ist der Einbezug der Bevölkerung (z.B. durch Crowdsourcing). Auch eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit und zwischen Archiven ist gefragt.

The common weblog of the International Centre for Archival Research (ICARUS) and The European Branch of the International Council on Archives (EURBICA)