by Dr. Jesper Zedlitz, Computer Genealogy Association
In my last blog post I introduced Germany’s largest genealogical association “Verein für Computergenealogie” and itscrowd-sourcing platform DES. The DES has an easy-to-use browser-based interface that heavily contributed to the motivation of the volunteers. We used the DES to realize our biggestsingle-source project so far, the in-depth-indexing of theGerman WW1 casualty lists. This source comprises 31,000 newspaper-format pages displaying more than 8.5 million entries. With the help of approx. 700 volunteers we finished this enormous task within 32 months—on time for the WW1 centenary in August 2014. The completion sent positive waves throughout German media. Now, we also use the DES for several other sources, such as other casualty lists, historic city directories, civil registry records, church records, and many more. Association for computer genealogy – short: CompGen #2 weiterlesen