Archiv der Kategorie: Handwritten Text Recognition – methods and trends II

Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents

Stefan Fiel (Technical University of Vienna, AT)

Stefan Fiel is born in Feldkirch, Austria, and studied at the Technical University of Vienna where he received his MSc. degree in Visual Computing in 2010. He gained experience as a project collaborator in projects at the Computer Vision Lab. He was involved in the “DIR – Document Information Retrieval” project where his task is writer identification and writer retrieval. Currently he is writing his PhD thesis with the topic “Novel Methods for Writer Identification and Retrieval”. His research interests are Cultural Heritage Applications and Document Analysis Applications.

Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents weiterlesen

Louise Seaward: The Crowd, the Volunteers and the Supertranscribers. Building and supporting an online user community for the Bentham Edition

Louise Seaward (Bentham Project, UCL Faculty of Laws, UK)

Louise Seaward is a historian with an interest in eighteenth-century France and the history of the book. She works as a research associate at the Bentham Project at University College London. She is the coordinator of Transcribe Bentham, a scholarly crowd-sourcing initiative to transcribe the writings of the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832).



Louise Seaward: The Crowd, the Volunteers and the Supertranscribers. Building and supporting an online user community for the Bentham Edition weiterlesen

Christian Sieber: Transcription – Swiss Made. The projects of the State Archives of Zurich

Christian Sieber (State Archives of Zurich, CH)

Christian Sieber is head of the division for Edition Projects at the State Archives of Canton of Zurich and head of the project of the Electronic Publication of Law Sources of the Canton of Zurich before 1798 (since 2010). Studies in general history, auxiliary science of history and constitutional law at the university of Zurich, master’s thesis on late medieval Swiss history. 1990-2010 research assistant in different editing projects (chronicle of Aegidius Tschudi, 16th c. / charters of the Zurich State Archives, 15th c. / monastery chronicle Acta Murensia, 12th c.). Publications on late medieval Swiss history and historiography in the Middle Ages and in Humanism.

Christian Sieber: Transcription – Swiss Made. The projects of the State Archives of Zurich weiterlesen

István Kecskeméti: In-House Digitisation as a Core Task. The Finnish National Archives

István Kecskeméti (National Archives, FI)

Dr István Kecskeméti is the head of unit at Collection Management Division at the National Archives of Finland. He is responsible for preservation, conservation and digitization of the collections as well as for external projects (from Nov 2007-). He has BA in paper / photograph conservation from University of Göteborg, Sweden, from 1996, MA in Museology from University of Jyväskylä, Finland in 2006 and PhD in Museology from the same University (2008). His PhD thesis was about collection management of archival and photographic collections.

István Kecskeméti: In-House Digitisation as a Core Task. The Finnish National Archives weiterlesen

Sebastian Colutto: Transkribus. A virtual research environment for the transcription and recognition of historical documents

Sebastian Colutto (University of Innsbruck, AT)

Sebastian Colutto studied computer science at the University of Innsbruck. He worked as a research assistant and received his PhD in 2012 in the field of image processing under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Otmar Scherzer. Since, he worked as a software engineer in the EU project “Transcriptorium” where he and his colleagues are responsible for the development of the “Transkribus” platform.

Sebastian Colutto: Transkribus. A virtual research environment for the transcription and recognition of historical documents weiterlesen

Kerstin Muff / Elisabeth Steiger: The co:op project. Infrastructure for archives, humanities scholars, public users and computer scientists

Kerstin Muff (International Center for Archival Research)

Kerstin Muff studied Theatre, Film and media Studies in Leipzig and Vienna and joined the ICARUS team in 2012. She has worked for several EU-funded projects: ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation, APEx- Archives Portal Europe network of excellence and is now working as communications and project manager within co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives’ and users’ network. She furthermore oversees the publication of the ICARUS magazine “insights” as editor-in-chief.


Elisabeth Steiger (University of Cologne, DE / International Centre for Archival Research)

Elisabeth Steiger was born in Landstuhl, Germany. She studied German philology and European ethnology / cultural anthropology at the University of Würzburg. She joined ICARUS in 2011. Before her employment at the University of Cologne she has worked at the city archives of Speyer and the University of Bayreuth. She is responsible for the European Archival Blog and the social media activities of the co:op-project. Furthermore she is working as a freelance journalist for a news agency.

Kerstin Muff / Elisabeth Steiger: The co:op project. Infrastructure for archives, humanities scholars, public users and computer scientists weiterlesen

Günter Mühlberger: The READ project. Objectives, tasks and partner organisations

Günter Mühlberger (University of Innsbruck, AT)

Günter Mühlberger works as Senior Project Manager of the Digitisation and Digital Preservation group at the Department for German Language and Literature at the University of Innsbruck. He received his Ph.D. for a dissertation on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). From 1991 to 2002 he worked as a research assistant for German Language and Literature and switched than to the university library as head of department for Digitisation and Digital Preservation. In 2012 he returned to the Department for German Language and Literature and aims now to build up services and tools for the Digital Humanities. Günter Mühlberger was responsible for several national and international projects, e.g. LAURIN (digitisation of newspaper clippings, 1998-2000), METADATA ENGINE (structural metadata extraction and OCR for gothic letters, 2000-2003), reUSE (2003-2006, digital preservation), IMPACT (sub-project leader for text recognition, 2008-2012), Digitisation on Demand / eBooks on Demand (DoD, EOD, 2006-2012), tranScriptorium (work package leader for data management for handwritten text recognition) and EU Newspaper (member of the executive board, OCR processing and enrichment of newspapers). From 2016 onwards he will coordinate the Horizon 2020 Project READ (Recognition and Enrichment of Archival Documents) which will focus on Handwritten Text Recognition and make the technology available via the Transkribus Platform.

Günter Mühlberger: The READ project. Objectives, tasks and partner organisations weiterlesen