Archiv der Kategorie: Liivi Uuet

It was the year 1965 – the re-establishing of the regular ferry service between Helsinki and Tallinn

by  Liivi Uuet, Archivist of the National Archives of Estonia

Tallinn cargo harbour was festively decorated with the flags of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic and Finland in the morning of July 7, 1965: motor vessel Vanemuine[1] was sent to its maiden journey from Tallinn to Helsinki which restored regular ferry service between Tallinn and Helsinki. The 1,000-ton vessel was built in Bulgaria the previous year. After official speeches, it started its journey to Helsinki where it was welcomed with similar festivity: the harbour was decorated with flags, press conference was held and official receptions took place at the town government of Helsinki and in the Finnish-Soviet Society of Friendship. It was the year 1965 – the re-establishing of the regular ferry service between Helsinki and Tallinn weiterlesen

Liivi Uuet

Liivi Uuet

Liivi Uuet is an archivist who has worked at the archives over 40 years. She came across the job by chance, but then fell in love with it and now besides attractive documents there are also memories that keep her at the archives.


NA of Estonia_logoThe National Archives of Estonia is the centre of archival administration in Estonia. The National Archives collects and preserves records documenting history, culture, nationhood, and social conditions in Estonia.
The archives hold 8.8 million items, the oldest of which dates from 1240. In our virtual reading room one has free access to over 15 millions of digital images online and in 2015 already 99% of archival visits were online.
In the project CO:OP our activities include creating topotheques, organizing “Adventures in archives” and contributing to the blog.