Archiv der Kategorie: Kerstin Muff

Kerstin Muff / Elisabeth Steiger: The co:op project. Infrastructure for archives, humanities scholars, public users and computer scientists

Kerstin Muff (International Center for Archival Research)

Kerstin Muff studied Theatre, Film and media Studies in Leipzig and Vienna and joined the ICARUS team in 2012. She has worked for several EU-funded projects: ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation, APEx- Archives Portal Europe network of excellence and is now working as communications and project manager within co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives’ and users’ network. She furthermore oversees the publication of the ICARUS magazine “insights” as editor-in-chief.


Elisabeth Steiger (University of Cologne, DE / International Centre for Archival Research)

Elisabeth Steiger was born in Landstuhl, Germany. She studied German philology and European ethnology / cultural anthropology at the University of Würzburg. She joined ICARUS in 2011. Before her employment at the University of Cologne she has worked at the city archives of Speyer and the University of Bayreuth. She is responsible for the European Archival Blog and the social media activities of the co:op-project. Furthermore she is working as a freelance journalist for a news agency.

Kerstin Muff / Elisabeth Steiger: The co:op project. Infrastructure for archives, humanities scholars, public users and computer scientists weiterlesen

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public

co:op community as opportunity: the creative archives´ and users´ network
by Mag.a Kerstin Muff

Breaking new ground together

co:op is the youngest child of the ICARUS family: Together, 17 institutions from 12 European countries successfully launched this project to strengthen and promote the co-operation between archives and other institutions preserving our common cultural heritage and to encourage involving the general public. The kick-off meeting in Prague between 27 and 29 April 2015 marked the start of the project activities.

Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ)
Břevnov Archabbey in Prague (CZ). © ICARUS

Promoting cross-border co-operation between archives and the general public weiterlesen

Kerstin Muff


Kerstin Muff-Luiza_Puiu
Kerstin Muff © Luiza Puiu

Kerstin Muff was born in the Dominican Republic in 1983 and studied Theatre, Film and Media at the University of Leipzig and Vienna. Already born a globetrotter, her professional and private motto is: The more diverse the better! She joined the ICARUS team in 2012 and has worked for several EU-funded projects: ENArC – European Network on Archival Cooperation, APEx- Archives Portal Europe network of excellence and is now working as communications and project manager within co:op – community as opportunity. the creative archives’ and users’ network. She furthermore oversees the publication of the ICARUS magazine “insights” as editor-in-chief.