Archiv der Kategorie: Birgit Kibal

First foreign head of state visits the National Archives!

Polish President Andrzej Duda’s visit to the National Archives of Estonia and Polish-Estonian archival cooperation

by Birgit Kibal, Adviser of the National Archivist

22 June 2018 is an important landmark in the archival cooperation between Poland and Estonia. That day Polish President Andrzej Duda visited the main building of the National Archives to open an exhibition of archival records about the historical relationships between Estonia and Poland. President Duda is the first foreign head of state to visit archives in Estonia since the creation of national archival system almost a hundred years ago and it is a great honour and respect to our archival institutions. First foreign head of state visits the National Archives! weiterlesen

Virtual exhibition on Baltic refugee camps in Germany

by Birgit Kibal, Adviser of the National Archivist and exhibition team member

Chess players of DP camp in Amberg before the tournament in September of 1947. VEMU FK.61-47

Europe is facing the greatest refugee crisis since the end of the World War II. Therefore we find it appropriate and timely to introduce the stories of wartime Baltic refugees to a wider audience. During World War II, mostly in 1944, tens of thousands of citizens from the Baltic States fled to the West. They left their home countries for fear of Soviet re-occupation and falling victim to repressioon, most of them left their homes and friends forever. Virtual exhibition on Baltic refugee camps in Germany weiterlesen

Birgit Kibal

Birgit Kibal

Birgit Kibal has been working at the National Archives of Estonia for 16 years. She started as an archivist, then she was the head of user service, and currently holds the position of an adviser of the national archivist. She likes the archival theory and practice as well as the everlasting touch of written heritage in the archives.

NA of Estonia_logoThe National Archives of Estonia is the centre of archival administration in Estonia. The National Archives collects and preserves records documenting history, culture, nationhood, and social conditions in Estonia.
The archives hold 8.8 million items, the oldest of which dates from 1240. In our virtual reading room one has free access to over 15 millions of digital images online and in 2015 already 99% of archival visits were online.
In the project CO:OP our activities include creating topotheques, organizing “Adventures in archives” and contributing to the blog.