Slobodan Mandić

Slobodan Mandić © Srđan Veljović
Slobodan Mandić © Srđan Veljović

Slobodan Mandić was born on November 23, 1977. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (History Department) in 2005.

He is currently working at the Historical Archives of Belgrade (Assistant Director for Archival Arrangement and Use Department).

Slobodan is the author of the book “Computerization and Historiography 1995–2005” published by the Historical Archives of Belgrade in 2008 and another publication about influences and aspects of implementations of new technologies in historiography and archives.

Since 2005 he has written more than 150 reviews of websites and internet projects, which have been published in the Annual for Social History from Belgrade. From 2007 to 2008 he took part in the international project “Women and Minority Documentation and Digital Presentation” (Vienna, Blagoevgrad, Belgrade). From 2011 he has been editor-in-chief and online community manager of the website “The 20th Century Library” (Biblioteka XX vek) – edition founded in 1971.

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Elisabeth Steiger (7. Oktober 2016). Slobodan Mandić. European Archival Blog. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von

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