by Tatjana Hölzl, ICARUS – International Centre for Archival Research
Over the last decades, institutions with archival holding have invested important resources to offer access to digitized items. These “digital treasures” are thus included as primary sources to free access portals, but they do not have a transformation process nor generate economic returns. The challenges of the digital age are moving memory institutions into new business models, and developing institutional enterprises around digitization. Digital collections have enormous potential for changing the way that information is used.
One of the key objectives of our project is to generate a greater added value, profitability, visibility, and economic return of European archives, through the identification and implementation of new business models and activities. Digital collections have enormous potential for changing the way that information is used. New ways of preserving, collecting, organizing, propagating and accessing knowledge shall be invented. The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Creative Europe programme.
To achieve those aims the Digital Treasures partners have created three “transmedia”-exhibitions with the main topic “digital treasures”, which will roam through Europe. Each roaming exhibition will focus on a specific topic – each telling a story of shared European history:
- The Construction of Europe: History, memory and myth of Europeanness over 1000 years.
- Exiles, migratory flows and solidarity.
- European Discoveries: From the New World to New Technologies.
More about the exhibitions:
SAVE THE DATE: Opening of the exhibition “The Construction of Europe” at the Museum am Dom in St. Pölten on 6th of May, 2022 at 05:00 PM. It is necessary to register for the opening:
We are looking forward to your attendance!
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Elisabeth Steiger (15. März 2022). ICARUS as partner of the European Digital Treasures Project. European Archival Blog. Abgerufen am 13. September 2024 von