Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents

Stefan Fiel (Technical University of Vienna, AT)

Stefan Fiel is born in Feldkirch, Austria, and studied at the Technical University of Vienna where he received his MSc. degree in Visual Computing in 2010. He gained experience as a project collaborator in projects at the Computer Vision Lab. He was involved in the “DIR – Document Information Retrieval” project where his task is writer identification and writer retrieval. Currently he is writing his PhD thesis with the topic “Novel Methods for Writer Identification and Retrieval”. His research interests are Cultural Heritage Applications and Document Analysis Applications.


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Elisabeth Steiger (21. März 2016). Stefan Fiel: Automated Writer Identification and its Use Cases for Archival Documents. European Archival Blog. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von

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