ICARUS-Meeting #20 | The Age of Digital Technology: Documents, Archives and Society

Under the motto “The Age of Technology: Documents, Archives and Society” a wide range of speakers from the Iberian Peninsula shared their experiences and expertises with the audience. The spectrum of speakers was expanded by further presentations from colleagues of our ICARUS network. The conference offered a truly multi-facetted insight into current projects and developments of the European archival landscape in the digital age.

Furthermore, we celebrated our 15th anniversary of Europe´s virtual charters archive – Monasterium with a talk show. Colleagues involved in the development of the Monasterium portal took a look back at the beginnings and discussed options and plans for future developments.

Also, thanks to a cooperation with the Archives Portal Europe Foundation, a workshop for students took place within our meeting: On 24 October, Ana María López Cuadrado (Country Manager Archives Portal Europe, Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección de los Archivos Estatales, ES) conducted a workshop for students and scholars in Spanish, explaining how to conduct research using the Archives Portal Europe. As the largest online archives catalogue in the world, this Portal is a one-of-a-kind innovative tool for conducting archival research online: the Portal allows simultaneous research in hundreds of institutions throughout Europe, and it supports multilingual research.

Location: Complutense University Madrid, Calle del Prof. Aranguren, 28040 Madrid, Spain
Date: 23–25 October 2017




Monday 23 October 2017

10.00 – 11.30 Executive Board meeting

The Age of Digital Technologies: Documents, Archives and Society international conference – part one

11.30 – 12.30 Registration

12.30 – 13.30

Welcome words by Laura Fernández Fernández (Vice-Dean for Research, Institutional and Foreign Affairs. Faculty of Geography and History), Severiano Hernández Vicente (Subdirección General de los Archivos Estatales, ES), Manuel Salamanca (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, ES) and Thomas Aigner (ICARUS)

Digitizing Documents in the Archivo General de Indias: Technical Advantage to Preserve a Historical Legacy by Antonio Sánchez de Mora (General Archive of the Indies, ES)

National and International Initiatives in e-Documents Management Systems: The DLM Forum Foundation, E-Ark Project and AENOR Comittees by Elena Cortés Ruiz (Administration General Archive, ES)

The Age of Digital Technology. A Proposal From the AHEB-BEHA by Anabella Barroso Arahuetes (AHEB-BEHA – Bizkaia Ecclesiastical Historical Archive, ES)

13.30 – 14.00 Coffee break

14.00 – 15.00

To be (Digital) or not to be. Making Private Archives Accessible to Society: A Brief Outlook on the Portuguese Landscape by José António Rocha and Paulo Fontes (CEHR – Portuguese Catholic University, PT)

PARES 2.0: The Spanish State Archives and the Open Data Culture by Alfonso Sánchez Mairena (Portal of Spanish Archives – PARES, ES)

The Budapest Time Machine by András Sipos (Budapest City Archives, HU)

The Time Maschine FET Flagship by Thomas Aigner (ICARUS)

15.00 – 15.30 Coffee break

Companies Market – Presentation platform for corporate partners of the ICARUS and ICARUS4all network

15.30 – 16.45

Collaborative Digitization in Archives vs. Contracted Services or Procurement. New Paths to High End Digitization by ImageWare Austria

Take a look at the => Video

Transforming Treasures: New Perspectives for Historical Records in the Digital Age by TREVENTUS Mechatronics GmbH

Graphic Documents Unfolded With the XpeCAM X01 Solution by Xpectraltek

15th Anniversary of Monasterium celebration talk show

17.30 – 18.30 Monasterium: 15 years and counting!


Žarko Vujošević (Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, RS)
Thomas Aigner (ICARUS)
Karl Heinz (ICARUS)


Jitka Křečková (Czech National Archives, CZ)
Antonella Ambrosio (University of Naples Federico II, IT)
Daniel Jeller (ICARUS)
Georg Vogler (University of Graz, AT)
Martina Bürgermeister (University of Graz, AT)

19.00 Reception dinner


Tuesday 24 October 2017 

The Age of Digital Technologies: Documents, Archives and Society international conference – part two

08.30 – 09.15

Interoperability, Records Management and e-Archiving in Spanish eGovernment: Legal Framework, Processes and Tools by Rosa María Martín Rey (Central Archive of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, ES) and Javier Hernández Díez (Ministry of the Presidency and for Territorial Administrations, ES)

ARQFAM: Family Archives in the Digital Era by Maria Joâo da Câmara Andrade e Sousa (CHAM — FCSH/NOVA-UAc, PT)

DIGIWARMEMO: A Digital Humanities Approach to Re-Use the First World War Online Archives by Daniel Alves (New University of Lisbon, PT), David Bodenhamer (Indiana University Purdue University, USA) and Paul Ell (Queen’s University Belfast, UK)

Bringing the Archives to the People, and Vice-Versa by Sergio Riolo (ilCartastorie, Banco di Napoli Historical Archives, IT)

09.15 – 09.45 Coffee break

09.45 – 10.45

Social Innovation Labs at Universities: The Case of Medialab UGR – a Research Laboratory for Digital Culture and Society by Esteban R. Frías (Medialab UGR, Digital Humanities, ES)

The Chaldean Heritage Work Group – A Mission by ICARUS to Help Preserve the Ancient Iraqi Christian Written Heritage by Csaba B. Stenge (Archives of Tatabánya City, HU)

Accessing the Full Text of Medieval Archives: The Example of the French Medieval Chancery Registers in the European Project HIMANIS by Dominique Stutzmann (Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, FR)

The Topotheque Joins the Creative Industries: Novel Vilijun Case Study by Vlatka Lemić (Croatian State Archives, HR) and Jasna Horvat (ANDIZET)

The Archives Portal Europe – The Largest Online Archives Catalogue in the World by Ana María López Cuadrado (Country Manager Archives Portal Europe, Ministerio de Educación Cultura y
Deporte. Subdirección de los Archivos Estatales, ES)

11.00 – 12.30 Guided Tour  – General Archive of the Complutense University of Madrid

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch break

Parallel Sessions

co:op Project Meetings

14.00 – 16.00 Creative-Pedagogical Approachew to Open
Archives (WP4)

14.00 – 15.00 Triggering Sensibility Towards Private Collections – “Toptheque” (WP3)

15.00 – 16.00 Development of Technical Tools Boosting Audience Development / Content Preparation (WP7)
Copyright and licensing workshop

16.00 – 17.00 Boot Camp
co:op administrative meeting

Archives Portal Europe (Workshop in Spanish)

14.00 – 16.00 Historical Research and Digital Archives: Doing Research With the Archives Portal Europe
Workshop for students in Spanish
Teacher: Ana María López Cuadrado (Country Manager Archives Portal Europe, Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección de los Archivos Estatales, ES)

18.00 – 19.30 Soccer Game

20.00 Joint dinner


Wednesday 25 October 2017

09.00 – 11.00 Meet MONA! MONAstic culture then and now
Project meeting

11.30 – 13.00 Guided Tour – Regional Archive of the Community of Madrid

OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
Elisabeth Steiger (22. November 2017). ICARUS-Meeting #20 | The Age of Digital Technology: Documents, Archives and Society. European Archival Blog. Abgerufen am 17. Januar 2025 von https://doi.org/10.58079/n4ja

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